The Best Family Vacation Destinations Have This In CommonThe Best Family Vacation Destinations Have This In Common

A family vacation destination is something that’s intriguing simply because it carries so much weight. On one hand, the idea that where you go for a family vacation can be thought-provoking seems silly because vacations are supposed to be about relaxing and attaining the ultimate “chill”. On the other hand, if you happen to choose the wrong place to spend your vacation, not only will you be miserable, but your family will have no problem reminding you about how miserable they are as well.

Luckily for all of us, we tend to choose the best place for our getaways the majority of the time. What’s more, even though some families choose to return to the same place every year, a lot of us enjoy the variety that comes with different vacation destinations. Maybe the language is different. Maybe you’re having to figure out the local currency. The idea of the “new” is too alluring to pass up. These are the vacations that are lifelong memories.

There’s a chance you may not have done this, but if you have a chance, try to sit down with all of the vacation pictures from each of your trips for the last few years. Start looking through them and avoid meandering down some tangent, focusing solely on the things that seem to show up more than just a few times. While you may not be necessarily seeing for spy-level webs of espionage, you may just start to realize that your family vacations have quite a few things in common. While you can make the case that this is for both good and bad trips, we’ll focus on the good.

In fact, travel industry experts and family therapy gurus note that the greatest successes of our family vacations have certain commonalities, and it is usually hard to notice them partly because the commonalities are tied to the destinations themselves.

Here are just a few of the things that the best family vacation destinations have in common:

Activities for All Ages – Finding ways to entertain everyone on the trip can be tough because most places only concentrate on the kids.

Great Physical Layout – Have you ever had a less-than-happy conversation with a loved one over how to use a map in a new city? The best destinations are simple to navigate.

Activities All Year Long – Sure, some “must see” spots have tremendous activities for one season of the year. Otherwise, you don’t have much.

Good Mix Between Adventure & Relaxation – A family vacation isn’t about doing everything “to the extreme!” The best places are a great mix between the “cowabunga” & the serene.

Fantastic Accommodations – The best family vacation destinations can be thwarted by terrible accommodations. Nothing is worse than having a long day of sight-seeing and then coming home to a hotel that is subpar in every way.

Truth be told, a family vacation destination is nothing more than a place where you and your family choose to spend a vacation. While it can be interesting to dissect the ins and outs of what these destinations have in common, it’s important to keep focus on the key ingredient of the best family vacations – your family.

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Family and the Future of Love RelationshipsFamily and the Future of Love Relationships

If you look at the average 20 year old, the chances that they have had any real education about relationships and love are pretty slim. Growing up as kids, they probably learned a little biology about the male and female body; they’ve possibly read some love poetry by Shakespeare or some other great author; they’ve usually watched their parents relationship going through some significant ups and downs with little explanation about what’s going on. But in terms of understanding themselves and their needs and requirements for love and relationship the average 20 year old is pretty unprepared for the real world.

The main thing parents have the power to change in this area is to become more honest with children about relationships while they are still living at home. With marriage ending in divorce at the rate of about 50%, it is unfair to teach children that every relationship is supposed to last forever. It is not true that when you fall in love with somebody – or find the right person – you will live happily ever after. Having babies is not the be-all and end-all of relationships and cannot save an unhappy marriage. The form and function of the modern family has changed and children are not responsible for their parents getting divorced (many of them feel they are).

Many parents want to hide what goes on in their relationship from their children in the desperate hope that their children will do better than they have done. But it doesn’t work like that! It never has.

If you want to see your children have better relationships than you it is necessary to start by helping them learn more about the reality of love and relationships. You need to talk with them about how and why relationships work (and don’t work). Make a commitment to being more honest about your own mistakes. You also need to realize that your children know far more than you may sometimes think. When you try to hide the truth it is only confusing to them – their senses tell them one thing while your words say something quite different.

This doesn’t mean you need to spill all the blood and guts to young children and disturb them. They don’t need to know all the ups and downs in your relationship. But it does mean that you need to start to help your children have realistic expectations about relationships, and this includes the fact that every family relationship has problems. Kids need and want to learn how to face up to problems and solve them rather than run away or hide from them.

If you feel afraid of being honest with your kids about relationships, you are not alone. The majority of parents mistakenly feel that kids need to be protected from the truth because it is often painful or disappointing. But they may not be aware that children see and feel what is going on despite all the things that are covered up or lied about. And to a child, that dishonesty is more painful than the truth. To top it all off, that dishonesty becomes their pattern for their future relationships.

On a more positive note, children can handle much more than we realize if they are treated openly and with respect. Kids who grow up with a more realistic picture of love, relationships and family living are much better prepared for life than those who are kept in ignorance and then are left to make the same mistakes as their parents.

Sarah McCrum MA, PGCE, Dip LC, is Director for the Academy of Potential Education located in New Zealand and London. The Academy’s main focus is to “prepare people for the future”, using an approach that assist students of the Academy’s programs to develop the skills to overcome any problem and achieve any life goal. Results for the Academy of Potential Education programs have been very positive.

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Good Habits Increase Personal Success, Including Health, Wealth and RelationshipsGood Habits Increase Personal Success, Including Health, Wealth and Relationships

It was Aristotle, the Greek philosopher 384 BC – 322 BC, who shared his philosophy that we are the sum total of all our actions. I totally agree with this idea. In all my research and teaching of self-improvement I know it makes sense that every action we carry out produces a reaction which gives up a result that is either desired or not wanted. As a consequence it’s vital to have and hold on to the control of our actions and to ensure we execute self-discipline as we accumulate the required knowledge that ultimately leads to the dreamed outcome, but also to carry out those calculated actions so victory is achieved.

What The Guru’s Say

Day in and day out so called experts offer articles, courses, videos and more on learning how to earn, learning how to succeed, learning how to achieve success in life, in health, to increase wealth and have meaningful relationships. I believe it’s a good thing to get educated on ‘how to… ‘ and so to that end if you are reading this because you want to know more ‘how to… ‘ for personal change then I invite you to keep reading.

Success Is All About 1 Main Habit

The habit of discipline which can mean different things to lots of people including a form of procrastination mainly due to limiting beliefs, restraint of forward moving habits and even self-punishment for imagined ideas of lack or forcefulness.

However, for me discipline is all about having self-control to achieve a personal goal in any area of life that gives me a lifestyle by design. So having good health, building a successful business, exploring life and having fun along the way with family and likeminded friends are all familiar and typical goals that many of us hold dear to one’s heart.

Good Habits Make A Difference To Results

Earning more, learning to achieve more and being happy are success aspects we are constantly being told by so called ‘guru’s’ of change that we need them and we can have them. That’s OK if you agree in the first place that your dreams are worth going after. And I certainly hope you do and are ready to take on board more education as part of your personal development. If you like the idea of personal change education then you are reading the right article.

No Need To Have Lingering Regrets

It stands to reason that there have been times when you might have found yourself thinking about ‘what could have been’, and even indulged a little in the ‘if only’ syndrome causing you to have lingering regrets. Well there’s no need to beat yourself up. It’s by far the wiser choice to put that energy into capturing your dreams.

Years ago I used to let my thoughts creep backwards and cause un-due worry, angst and even hurt in my life, sometimes causing hurt in the lives of the one’s dearest to me. Then one day several years back while I read an article on self-growth where the writer mentioned Aristotle, (who I mentioned him right at the start of my article). The writer went on to discuss Aristotle’s ideas on how our actions give us the results we experience on a daily basis and how important it is to form good habits. My own light bulb switched on and I began to understand that if I applied myself to forward moving habits very regularly I could take back control of my destiny and turn my life around to a lifestyle designed specifically by me, thereby banishing those harmful lingering regrets that stifles progress and feeds low self-esteem.

One Step At A Time

I began taking notice of the results I was getting due to my habits, what I did on a regular basis and how I actually spent my time. Today modern transformational leaders talk about keeping a written account of what you do, when you do it and the result obtained. A little bit like accounting when an accountant logs in daily income and expenditure or a diet coach purports to writing down all food intake and exercise taken. In essence it’s a record of In and Out that shows a repetitive pattern and produces a result. You only get better at it when you practice. Just as students pass examinations when they apply themselves to study and completes assignments set to improve their learning curve, a gymnast attains a higher skillset when they consistently practice and a business person grows his/her business when they plan, execute and re-invest.

Discipline carried out on a personal level for goal achievement is based upon the same principles as I have just mentioned, and to discover your best and fastest route to success is to first know your desired outcome, the real outcome that is, dig deep and get to the bottom of what you really want, don’t hesitate so you allow procrastination to rear its ugly head, rather force yourself to define your dream and task yourself to go after it. Then it’s time to plan a course of action, writing down actions and results gotten then review the emerging pattern so you can make the necessary adjustments along the way to ensure reaching the first of many goals you’ll have in life.

Success doesn’t come easy. In the world of show business they say “it takes 27 years to become an overnight success!” Getting to goal and enjoying the spoils of success can be a long time coming along a challenged road to get to where you want to go, and not everyone can find the tenacity within to keep going but, I believe it’s just a matter of deciding to take the necessary action that makes all the difference to success, don’t leave anything on the table.

It’s obviously clear to me and I’m sure to many of you that success cannot be messed with or compromised, it takes application and that requires discipline. Failure is expendable when self-control is put into place.

So how can anyone tap into a store house of pure genius success strategies that really work and get the necessary help they need to get their act together and continue on to enjoy victory, rather than constantly going through the agony and disappointment of countless false starts.

Life coaching and soul coaching education for personal success and creative business growth by design. Building a business from zero to millions!

Providing small business owners, entrepreneurs and celebrities with powerful tools and resources to harness the power of PMA positive mental attitude while living life by design.

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